Study incentives

When studying, one needs incentives to keep studying.
I like to:
Drink peppermint tea.
Treat myself to a mormon fashion blog post after an hour of successful study.
Look forward to an episode of Seinfeld over lunch.

When studying, one also finds ways to distract oneself.
I like to:
Boil the kettle continuously, to top up my peppermint tea.
Reread the same blog post I read yesterday.
Disgrace myself by watching “ET” when it comes on after Seinfeld.

When studying, one does not not need disincentives to keep studying.
For the last two years I’ve been studying perched on a wicker chair with two cushions stacked on it, to bring me up to the height of the desk.
It is a good set up, until one of the cushions slips off and that seems like a good enough reason to get up and boil the kettle. And maybe check if Seinfeld came on early…

I needed an office chair. And I found this baby sitting on the side walk.


It needed some love. And I had $10 worth of IKEA fabric and a staple gun.
I didn’t have the know-how to use a sewing machine for the back section, but this crafty blogger stepped me through it.


Study un-disincentive-d.

About freedom finder

I like books, plants and second-hand goodness. I like things that are free. I really like it when those two likes combine. I'm a Christian and want to take Jesus up on his offer of abundant life. I want to spend more time without money and spend more thoughts on freedom.
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3 Responses to Study incentives

  1. Jess says:

    YESSS! Another post. Sunday just got even better.
    Also, is it super lame that I sometimes-slash-often brainstorm ways that I could be frugally funtimes enough to make a cameo on this blog?

  2. Cameo it up! Instant cred comes with “guest bloggers”! Send me an email if you have something you’d like to add!

  3. Pingback: for pleasure’s sake | indigo euphoric

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